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Titel   Pulling Back from the Brink in the Congo
Auteur/Redactie International Crisis Group
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Uitgave Kinshasa; Nairobi; Brussels: ICG
Jaar 2004-07-07
Pagina's 12
Reeks ICG Africa Briefing
Samenvatting The DRC risks a return to full-scale war unless the international community strengthens its engagement. The battle over Bukavu in late May, early June was a warning that unless peace-building in the region receives greater priority and more resources, the peace process could be destroyed before any elections are held. When the UN Security Council reviews its peacekeeping mission (MONUC) this month, it should not only renew its mandate but also give it more troops and related capabilities to carry out its multiple missions, including protecting civilians, carrying out disarmament and reintegration, and patrolling borders. The international community should also press Rwanda to stop interfering in its neighbour and to cooperate in strengthening the political transition.
More documents on the Kivu provinces
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Land DRC
  • Conflict
  • Internationale organisaties
  • Internationale betrekkingen
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