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Titel   The coltan phenomenon: how a rare mineral has changed the life of the population of war-torn North Kivu province in the East of the DRC
Auteur/Redactie Tegera, Aloys; in collab. with Sofia Mikolo and Dominic Johnson; Pole Institute
Editie PDF ed.
Uitgave Goma: Pole Institute
Jaar 2002-01
Pagina's 21
Samenvatting This study argues that the mining and export of the rare mineral coltan in North Kivu province of the DRC offers potential benefits to the local population, provided its is reorganised in a "fairer and less harmful way". Drawing mainly on research conducted locally and extensive interviews, it draws attention to the socio-economic effects of the coltan boom in recent years. Coltan mining "has led to a population exodus of all age groups" from agricultural areas, and agricultural and pastoral activities are being abandoned in favour of coltan endangering the food security. Coltan earnings should be used to promote agriculture and rebuild basic infrastructures in the province. It is also essential to put a stop to the "emergence of a Mafia economy organised around the rebel armies and their allies and the armed Mai-Mai groups", the study says. The report rejects calls for an international boycott or moratorium of coltan purchases from the DRC: "The people of the Kivu would not gain, but would lose one of their very few remaining sources of income", according to the study.
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Land DRC
  • Arbeid
  • Conflict
  • Economie