Fatal Transactions
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Fatal Transactions  |  other

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  1. Women´s bodies as a battleground: sexual violence against women and girls during the war in the DRC: South Kivu (1996-2003') / Réseau des Femmes pour un Développement Associatif; Réseau des Femmes pour la Défense des Droits et la Paix; International Alert 2005-04-30 . - 72 p.

  2. The Congo's transition is failing: crisis in the Kivus / International Crisis Group 2005-03-30 . - 49 p.
    As it approaches the end of its second year, the Congo's transition risks breaking apart on the unreconciled ambitions of the former civil war belligerents.

  3. Report of the panel of experts on the arms embargo in the DRC / UN Security Council S/2005/30 2005-01-25 . - 58 p.
    Many groups and countries break the arms embargo in the Eastern DRC

  4. Arms flows in Eastern DR Congo: report pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1533 (para 12) / Peleman, Johan; APPG Genocide 2004-12-23 . - 51 p.
    There is an urgent need to tackle the problem of arms flows in Eastern DRC.

  5. Back to the brink in the Congo / International Crisis Group 2004-12-17 . - 11 p.
    Fears of a new catastrophe on the Congo. What can be done?

  6. DR Congo - Rwanda Conflict Q&A / Human Rights Watch; et al. 2004-12-04 . - 2 p.
    Background on the recent Rwandan involvement in the DRC. And statements from others on the issue.

  7. The mining economy in the Kivu and its regional implications: report following a mission to North Kivu, South Kivu and Rwanda 17 April-9 May 2004 / Pourtier, Roland 2004-11-01 . - 54 p.
    Profile of the mining economy in the Kivu provinces, eastern DRC.

  8. Pulling Back from the Brink in the Congo / International Crisis Group 2004-07-07 . - 12 p.
    The Congo risks a return to full-scale war unless the international community strengthens its engagement. The battle, late May early June, over Bukavu was just a warning.

  9. Same old story: a background study on natural resources in the DRC / Global Witness 2004-07-06 . - 54 p.
    The international community's failure to reform the management of natural resources in the Congo is increasing the risk of the country sliding back into war.

  10. D.R. Congo: War Crimes in Bukavu / Human Rights Watch 2004-06-11 . - 6 p.
    The recent fighting in Bukavu is only the latest event in a pattern of deteriorating security and massive violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.

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