EU Control of Diamond Imports from African Countries in Conflict

Tuesday September 25 13.00-16.00

European Parliament, Brussels,

Room A5H1


Chair: Ms. Sjoera Dikkens, Chairman of the Evert Vermeer Foundation (EVS)*


(Discussion will be interactive throughout)


12.45 -13.00: Formal Presentation of report to Members of the European Parliament, Council and Commission.


13.00-13.15: Welcoming speech by Mr. Max VD Berg, MEP, vice-chair of the Party of European Socialists, vice-chair of the Development Committee.

13.15-13.20: Fatal Transactions Ms. Judith Sargentini, international Campaign Co-ordinator.

13.20-13.30: Presentation of the report ‘Confflict diamonds: crossing European borders?’ by Ms. Myriam van der Stichele, researcher for the Centre for research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO).

13.30- 14.10: Conflict Diamonds: a broader perspective – why regulation is needed.

14.10-14.50: Customs control in practice: how to implement UN sanctions.

14.50-15.30: The European Perspective: what should the European Union do now ?

15.30-16.00: Conclusions: Sjoera Dikkens


18.30: Informal drinks for participants at The Grapevine, Place Luxembourg (just behind the Parliament)