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Fatal Transactions  |  other

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  1. Mapping Conflict Motives: Eastern DRC / Spittaels, Steven; Filip Hilgert 2008-03-04 . - 40 p.
    Case-study on the Congolese provinces of North-Kivu and Northern South-Kivu, and the actors CNDP (Nkunda), FDLR, FARDC and local Mayi-Mayi groups.

  2. Key Mining Contracts in Katanga: the economic argument for renegotiation / Rights and Accountability in Development 2007-04-12 . - 21 p.
    There is a need to review the copper and cobalt agreements. The deals with a number of foreign privaye companies has stripped the DRC's state-mining company Gécamines of virtually all its assets.

  3. Public private partnerships in the DRC’s mining sector: Development, good governance and the struggle against corruption? / 11.11.11, ASADHO/Katanga, BIC, CEPAS, Fatal Transactions, NiZA, RAID, RODHERIC 2007-03-13 . - 32 p.
    Recommendations on how the current and future mining contracts can make a positive contribution in the DRC.

  4. Les conditions de vie et de travail des creuseurs artisanaux de diamant de la Ville de Mbuji Mayi, RD Congo / Lubamba, Jean-Baptiste ; CENADEP 2006-12-07 . - 56 p.
    Exploités par les sponsors, asphyxiés par des taxes fictives, les creuseurs artisanaux sont des esclaves du temps moderne.

  5. Corporate Social Responsibilty Practices in Small-scale Mining on the Copperbelt, Zambia / Lungo, John, and Adrian Shikwe 2006-09-01 . - 57 p.
    A study of the operations, profitability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in Zambia.

  6. Digging in corruption = Une corruption profonde. Fraud, abuse and exploitation in Katanga's copper and cobalt mines = Fraude, abus et exploitation dans les mines de cuivre et de cobalt du Katanga / Global Witness 2006-07-05 . - 56 p.
    Corruption, extortion and illicit exports in the informal (artisanal) mining sector in Katanga, and the ruthless exploitation of artisanal miners by the government and trading companies.
    Aussi desponible en français.

  7. Co-operation on addressing pillaging of natural resources in DRC / NiZA, Fatal Transactions 2006-04-20 . - 2 p.

  8. Declaration finale de l’Atelier sur le role des medias et de la societe civile dans l’exploitation des ressources naturelles de la RD Congo / JED, ASADHO/Katanga, NiZA 2006-04-19 . - 3 p.
    Des organisations de la société civile membres du Réseau Ressources Naturelles de la RDC et des médias venues de Kinshasa, Bas-Congo, Sud-Kivu, Province Orientale, Kasaï Oriental et Katanga, réunis le 18 et le 19 avril 2006 à Lubumbashi.
    Also available in English

  9. The State vs. the People: governance, mining and the transitional regime in the DRC = L'Etat contre le Peuple: La gouvernance, l’exploitation minière et le régime transitoire en RDC / Fatal Transactions, NiZA, IPIS 2006-03-27 . - 72 p.
    Three years of transitional government in the Congo has led to anything but stability and economic prosperity. The corrupt, ruling political class is, more than anything else, engaged in enriching itself.
    Aussi desponible en français au format PDF ou en format TXT (sans photo's et notes).

  10. Who’s minding the store?: the business of private, public and civil actors in zones of conflict / Böge, Volker , Christopher Fitzpatrick, Willem Jaspers and Wolf-Christian Paes 2006-03-14 . - 92 p.

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